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How to remove pearly penile papules and fordyce spots without going to the doctor

The cause of PPP is still unknown although there have been theories regarding the condition. In fact, some medical authorities categorize pearly penile papules as blocked sebaceous glands. Others regard the papules as penile spines, a condition which is normally found in the reproductive organ of primates. What is sure though is that PPP is not a sexually transmitted disease and should therefore not scare men into avoiding having intercourse.

In addition to the physical problems, which as you could see are minim, the pearly penile papules are also capable of influencing the self-esteem and self-confidence of the man who has to deal with them. Thus, in addition to a treatment which may make the papules disappear, some patients may also need psychological treatment to overcome their low self-confidence and state of isolation which often results during the time the individual deals with this condition.

Having a pearly papule can be quite embarrassing and worrisome. Unfortunately, once one papule becomes apparent, many men find out quickly that one turns into many. More often than not, penile papules will cover the whole perimeter of the manhood causing a cauliflower like appearance to appear around the head of the manhood. Most men and their partners become concerned that these papules can lead to a more serious health concern.
The external part of the male reproductive system, the manhood, can sometimes manifest some abnormal-looking growth and tags on the skin. One of these unnatural and unsightly growths is called pearly penile papules. The name is an indicator of what these skin tags looks like ? very small drops growing on the skin with their color reminiscent of pearls, meaning milky white. These domes or tags are usually found on the skin around the manhood gland. They usually appear in clusters and rows in the manhood head?s rim. Some patients also report of having this on the sides of their frenulum.

Although you may have experienced some soreness during sexual contact or while wearing particularly tight clothing that has rubbed against your condition, the most painful aspects of your pearly penile papules removal process will be during your recovery stage. Once the local anesthesia wears off, you will be left with the ting of your method of removal. You can choose to use a laser, electric current, or a scraping method each providing, to be honest, some level of pain but lasting varying amounts of time. The more 'invasive' the procedure you choose, such as the scraping method, will take up to a month to heal and cause the most pain. Therefore, you should definitely spend a great amount of time consulting with your doctor about the degree of your condition. The choice of pearly penile papules removal method will be dependent upon that and of course the doctor's expertise. As long as you choose the doctor that you feel the most comfortable with during consultation your removal process will be in excellent hands.

One thing you have to remember is, make sure you consult with your doctor when choosing a pearly penile papules treatment. I know you want to get rid of PPP fast. Just be careful and make sure you know all of the risks when it comes to using laser treatment or home remedies.
Removal may be performed by a dermatologist or a plastic surgeon. When doctors use a CO2 laser for the removal, the procedure is fairly quick, taking only several minutes to complete. The procedure to remove pearly penile papules is conducted on an out-patient basis. Your doctor, however, is likely to ask you to spend a few days after the surgery to recover.

​ Electro surgery is also used to remove them and the procedure may take slightly longer, but it is still an out-patient procedure. It is not advised to use home remedies for the removal of the bumps, because improper removal can cause further medical issues, or can cause the genitals area to be scarred or mutilated. These procedures can also cause a person to lose sensation in their genital area or cause a dangerous infection. Other methods of removing them are simply ineffective, and will cause the patient to become disappointed after continued application of the creams, gels, and other substances to attempt to remove them.

Well, first of all it has to be mentioned that pearly penile papules are a skin condition. This means that affects only the skin and it is under no circumstances a disease. Moreover, you should stop worrying about having a STD as this is not the case with pearly penile papules. These bumps have developed on your skin without any further help from external factors.
Some other good to know pearly penile papules facts at this blog

Scientifically called hirsuties papillaris genitalis, penile pearly papules are the small whitish outgrowth on your manhood that often result in unbearable itching. On noticing such lesions, people often tend to get depressed assuming that they have either acquired a sexually transmitted disease or maybe even cancer. Pearly penile papules, in fact, are a very mild problem and not even half as dangerous.